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The first policy brief of the SMARTer Greener Cities has now been launched. We propose recommendations for urban planners and researchers based on our research on how technology and nature can promote multisensory experiences and psychological restoration in two residential areas in Helsinki, Finland. Recommendations: Be smart and green with your plans It’s not…
Read More...Which places do you value in your neighborhood in terms of aesthetics, biodiversity, and outdoor activities, and which views and sounds help you relax and forget about everyday worries? How pleasant do you perceive different landscapes such as parks, private yards, water areas or forests in your own neighborhood? Where do you experience positive…
Read More...The Nordregio magazine published an article about the SmarterGreenerCities Helsinki case study in October 2021. The researchers conducted a PPGIS study in early 2021 that discussed the values and soundscapes in the study areas, Kuninkaantammi and Kalasatama. The aim was to understand the residents’ experience of urban and green spaces in the study sites. “Sounds…
Read More...The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the University of Helsinki organized the first multi-sensory living pavilion in Helsinki on Thursday 22.4.2021. The aim of the event was to to demonstrate possibilities for moving towards a smart and green city agenda by drawing upon new forms of sensors and citizen engagement technologies. The presentations involved talks…
Read More...Yesterday (16.3.) we walked in Kalasatama and discussed about sounds of cities. What kind of sounds are accepted by citizens? Vesa Marttinen, the reporter of Yle Radio Suomi interviewed me and post doc Silviya Korpilo about ongoing multisensory PPGIS survey. The record of interview can be found here. The discussion is in Finnish.
Read More...Project coordinator Associate Professor Erik Andersson, erik.andersson(at)
Stockholm Resilience Centre (SCR), University of Stockholm
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